2023 NPGA National Convention

2023 NPGA Convention Quilt

The 2023 Convention Quilt is brought to you by:
Barbara Keisker and Nic Everett

This beauty is a generous 89" x 109", meticulously embroidered and  featuring breeder logos and commemorative squares on a contrasting background embellished with metallic threads. Reverses to a contrasting print.

The quilt will be on display for the duration of the Convention, and will be auctioned to the highest bidder at the Convention Banquet on Saturday June 10th

To order your blank quilt square, click on the Order Form below.  Orders must be received by March 1, 2023

2023 Quilt Square Order Form.pdf 2023 Quilt Square Order Form.pdf
Size : 153.228 Kb
Type : pdf

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